1. Call to Order
Chair, Aslynne Howes, called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm Eastern
2. Roll:
Present: Niels Duinker, Sofia Noethe, Benjamin Domask-Ruh, Ross Berenson, Afton Benson, Martin Frost, Jake Darrow, Aslynne Howes
Absent: Amy Wieliczka, Noel Yee
Recorder: Sofia
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Benjamin
Second by: Sofia
Vote: Approved
4. Approval of Minutes:
Motion: Niels
Second: Benjamin
Vote: Approved
5. Reports
Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.
2023 Festival Report (Exuro Piechocki)
Discussion: Afton: are we sure Exuro is getting emails? Aslynne: yes!
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Afton: Dennis sent updated numbers late last night, they’ll be uploaded to view at a later time
Future Festival Site Report (Craig Lewis)
Discussion: Ross: Craig and Mike went to the conference; they sent expense report to Afton. Noted that this was not in the budget, for future reference to make sure we have their expenses budgeted for)
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data
Discussion: Things may have changed since Jacob took over and reporting.
Martin: This may be reconciling a previous abnormality; missing life member family member counts may have caused the abnormality. Need to see the process to validate the counts
Afton: Check in with membership officers to make sure we have standard operating procedures and validation to know where numbers are coming from
Marketing Report (Matan Presberg)
Matan’s report:
-overall things are pretty smooth on the marketing team
-5 IG posts in October, 16 in September
-Instagram account still growing, but slowly, +300 followers in the past 30 days, similar on FB, +145 page likes in last 28 days
-177,000 accounts reached on IG (mostly through reels), 98,000 on Facebook (past 30 and 28 days, respectively)
-IG top countries reached, US 17.5% (of accounts reached), Chile 8.8%, Brazil 7.3%, Argentina 6.7%
-We released a siteswap challenge filter October 7, and it’s been very well received! We’ve shared a lot of people using it on our stories, which has been a great way to engage jugglers who are less technically skilled than who normally gets featured. It had 4400 (a valid siteswap XD) opens as of October 10. We plan to do a ‘phase 2’ where we release more siteswaps to the filter, this may be associated with a giveaway to increase engagement. No concrete time-line for that yet. Big shoutout to Ross and his friend Maxwell for the idea, design and execution of the filter, and thank you to the board for the investment of paying Max for his time.
-Facebook has been inundated with accounts joining Facebook for the express purpose of sharing elicit images in groups. International Jugglers Association group was hit pretty hard by it. In response, I have made all new members of the group apply to admins before they can engage (post or comment). This has mitigated the issue, though takes some small, but consistent effort to keep up with. We continue to get requests from new accounts trying to post such images, so we are not in a place to lapse restrictions. So far we have been able to keep up with requests and it’s not been an issue.
-feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments you may have!
Martin: do the mods see the image before it gets posted?
Aslynne: shows her screen for approval process, how mods look for legitimate accounts, and that they can see the post if they try to post.
Afton: do you approve accounts that don’t answer the welcome question?
Aslynne: need to check in to the group settings, but images are clearly spam and not approved.
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
YJA Report (Benjamin Domask-Ruh)
OpsO Report (Scott Steiskal)
6. Motions for Consideration
- Motion to approve Maxwell Holzinger as Graphics Designer Officer
Author: Ross Berenson
Motion: Benjamin
Second: Niels
Jake: Could we post open positions via social media instead of just on the IJA website?
Currently Louie Skaradek is listed on the site. We need to verify further details.
Martin: Haven’t heard from Louie in a while; hasn’t been active
Ross: What graphic design do we even really do?
Afton: Louie worked on the previous rebranding; currently teams usually work with their own designers for their own IJA projects
Martin: Unless we’re getting someone who really wants to be involved and has the skills, do we really need an officer position? May not be a necessary officer role
Niels: Suggested we welcome him as a graphic design volunteer even if not as the official officer
Martin: asked Ross to send over the website page that listed it as an open position
Graphic Designer Officer – Ross
Maxwell Holzinger applied for the position. He is someone that I know. He’s an entry-level graphic designer and applied for the position in August. This hasn’t been voted on yet and should be. He’s been asking me about it.
Portfolio: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aJ2OwB930AFADE41YlQAiTlEfXMe-NZe
Motion tabled.
- Motion to approve annual contract for Accountant, Dennis Morrison
Author: Afton Benson
Motion: Benjamin
Second: Sofia
Discussion: Dennis rocks, and his rate is $9,504 for the year. His current contract expired on Sept 30th.
Vote: Passes unanimously
{Noel joined the call at 7:13pm ET]
- Motion to approve moving YM functions to an in-house team operating the WordPress site. *already approved via straw poll on 10/10/2022
Author: Afton Benson
Motion: Niels
Second: Benjamin
Discussion: Ross – everything is in process, and going smoothly so far
Vote: Unanimously passed
7. Varia:
PO Box Update (Afton): I am working on finding a location to set up a lower cost PO Box and have the mail forwarded to the Treasurer’s address from that PO Box. The PO Box needs to be in a state that would still allow us to do the online raffle. MN Is not an option. There is a fee for having the mail forwarded but regardless we still need to maintain an address for tax and business purposes.
Website migration testing is underway.
Afton: Tell Scott Seltzer to stop giving YM store credits
8. Confirm Next Meeting
Next meetings will take place on…
Nov 6, 2022 6:30PM ET for the next vision meeting
Nov 20, 2022 6:30PM ET for the next business meeting
9. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 7:26 pm Eastern.