Business Board Meeting October 30th, 2018

1. Call to Order

Chair, Exuro Piechocki, called the meeting to order at: 5:05 pm PST

2. Roll:

Present: Afton Benson, Krystin Railing, Erin Stephens, David Cain, Sofia Noethe, Mike Moore, Eric Shibuya, Matan Presberg, Exuro Piechocki, Ian Michael-Loughlin(5:35)

Absent: Galen Harp, Scott Seltzer

Recorder: Eric Shibuya


3. Approval of Agenda

Motion: Mike Moore

Second by: Sofia Noethe

Discussion:  none

Vote: Unanimous Approval

4. Approval of Minutes:

Business Board Meeting 9/25/2018

Motion: Eric

Second: Mike

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous approval


5. Reports

Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.


Financial Report (Afton Benson)

Afton – Dennis is now logged in to Square and is reviewing details. Dennis will do the IRS 990, Afton will review before sending to Exuro and then the Board. We always ask for an extension from the IRS, this is not a problem. Festival details should be available next month.

Erin – Dennis now has access to YM to review which donations fall into which category and what program(s) they were earmarked for if any.

Afton – Benevity should be finished shortly and donations can be made to IJA via Benevity.

2019 Festival Report (David Cain)


David-Should have video to announce/promote the film festival by end of the week. Hoping to start performer contracts this weekend. Mike Sullivan is looking into cost for projector/screen to incorporate into Festival budget. Was trying to get the two oldest active performing jugglers (Freddy Kenton and Dieter Tasso) to attend, but this will not happen. Patreon live stream went well. Was opened to all viewers and got great viewership.

Afton-need to get pricing for the packages set ASAP. David will work on this this weekend as well, believes it will be very similar to last year.

Erin-concerns about marketing, would like to get going. David concurs.


eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)

Exuro is arranging to discuss how eJuggle is going with Scott
Erin – Suggests new contributors to keep things fresh
Mike – What topics do we want to see more articles on?
Spotlights on contemporary jugglers? Interviews with non-english speakers, have them translated.


Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data

Discussion: Exuro – was able to give an IJA pitch at Manipulation festival, at least one person directly said they would join. Expecting an increase in membership.

[Ian joins the call]

Erin – suggests trying to organize a Board Q&A if multiple Board members are at the same festival.


Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)


Matan – Instagram is going very well right now. The daily takeovers are receiving good viewership and interaction.

Erin – Yuki and Mike did great with JJF takeover, most engagement of any story takeover.

Erin – Consider move away from membership model, into fundraising. IJA has not had a “fundraising officer” as a position. Something to consider?

Sofia – How to turn large social media presence into IJA memberships?

Matan-Much of the IJA benefits are US/North America, not an incentive for more international members.

Afton-Move away from membership model needs to have a plan to replace that revenue


IRC Report (Erin Stephens)


Erin – Traveling, so no formal report at this moment

Paraguay was amazing. High skill level competitors, event coordinators were good to work with. Promotion of each IRC has seemed to have a cascading effect on each successive one.

IRC instagram videos/stories had high views

It would be beneficial to disseminate information on the IJA and IRCs since the program is no longer “new” and many jugglers have been juggling for less time than the IRC has existed.

Next IRC (last for 2018) is in Benin, Africa in three weeks.

Mike – What type of post-event media is being produced and released from each IRC?

Erin – Facebook live stream (internet connection is a challenge), 60 second highlight videos for instagram, 5 minute videos are being made by local teams for each event with 30 second teasers to promo the 5 minute videos.

IRC Europe at EJC July 2019 (CORRECTION: August 2019, see motions G and H)


YJA Report (Galen Harp)


I can not be at the meeting tonight.  It is my daughters halloween carnival.   Here is my report for October. I was really looking forward to discussing this with everyone so if any of you would like to talk to me, I am free tomorrow and thursday all day long.  Here is my report:


Afton – definitely a lack of dedicated juggling instructors in American circus programs

Exuro – in conversation with Galen, rather than focus on just “how to teach children?” consider “how to teach the teachers”

Afton – May be attending AYCO 2019 (San Diego)

Erin – Unna Med may be interested in sponsoring a youth IJA member(possibly an IJA medalist) to attend AYCO


6. Motions for Consideration

A. To appoint the following officers

Jim Maxwell Affiliates Director
David Cain Archives Director
Dennis Morrison Bookkeeper
Marilyn Sullivan Chief Teller
Krystin Railing Communications Director
Scott Seltzer eJuggle Editor in Chief
Don Lewis eNewsletter Editor
Mike Sullivan Future Festivals Site Coordinator
Louie Skaradek Graphic Designer
Floyd Fischer International Representative
Mike Moore International Representative
Jorge Vilchis International Representative
Lucas Adverse International Representative
Erin Stephens IRC Director
Erin Stephens Marketing Director
Matan Presberg

Lucas Adverse

Josie Marks-McQuade

Sofia Noethe

Marketing Team Member
Marilyn Sullivan Membership Director
Heather Marriott Store Manager
David Landowne Systems Administrator
Afton Benson Treasurer
Nathan Wakefield Video Coordinator
Thom Wall Video Tutorial Director
Ian Michael – Loughlin Webmaster
Josie Marks-McQuade WJD Coordinator
Galen Harp YJA Coordinator


Motion: Mike
Second: Yuki
Discussion: Possible change to Thom Wall’s position title, can be done after the appointment. Floyd Fischer added as International Representative (motion amended by Mike, Yuki seconds–amended motion passes unanimously, see motion B as reference)
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result: Unanimous Approval


B. Motion to amend Motion A to include Floyd Fischer as an International Representative.
Motion: Mike
Second: Yuki
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result: Unanimous Approval


C. To create a website committee.

The committee shall be responsible for stewardship of our website and online membership platform, and shall have the authority to act in the best interest of the with respect to its maintenance, and ease of access for both administrative users and end users. The committee shall be tasked with formulating and implementing a plan of action to ensure the security and longevity of with regard to the issues it is now facing with its hosting and servers. The committee shall consist of Erin Stephens, Ian Michael-Loughlin, David Landowne, and Exuro Piechocki.

Motion: Eric
Second: Mike
Discussion: Group listed is already dealing with the website issues, may not need a formal motion to constitute this committee at this point
Oppose : Mike, Matan, Sofia, Ian, Yuki
Abstain : Exuro, Eric
Result: Motion fails


D. To renew the contract of IJA Bookkeeper Dennis Morrison. This was previously approved by a straw poll.

Motion: Sofia
Second: Eric
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result: Unanimous Approval


E. To create an “Unna Med Festival Scholarships Committee” The committee shall consist of between 3 and 5 members. Committee members will be appointed by the IJA Board chair annually in the month of November. The committee will implement a way to determine the recipients of 12 packages donated by Unna Med that each consist of a festival package and $500 stipend. These 12 scholarships must be awarded through a process of nomination and then selection by the committee.

Motion: Mike
Second: Yuki
Discussion: October may not be feasible (see motion F) – Yuki notes it could be interesting to distribute the scholarship amounts based on need and where the recipient lives rather than setting it at a flat rate equally distributed to all recipients.
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Unanimous approval


F. To amend motion E to state “November” instead of “October” as the month of the committee selection

Motion: Mike
Second: Matan
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result: Unanimous Approval


G. To approve the first IRC Europe to be held at the EJC in England in July of 2019. This includes a $300 contribution from the IJA for prize money. See Proposal from EJC Team.

Motion: Matan
Second: Yuki
Discussion: Exuro-Awesome that the EJC wants to work with the IJA
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result: Unanimous Approval

H. To amend motion G  to read “August of 2019” instead of “July of 2019”

Motion: Matan
Second: Yuki
Discussion: none
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result: Unanimous Approval


7. Varia:

– VHS and digitization of old videos: project is slow, but is ongoing. Jay Ko has said if anyone is interested in helping, that would be great. David Cain says the old IJA VHS tapes are in the archives in his possession. Donations to help fund the digitization would help expedite this process. Matan expects to see Bob Mendehlson again and will relate the current situation.

– Patreon: Live stream (with David Cain) as reward has received very little engagement. Consider making livestream available to all but have donors only being able to interact with David Cain

Matan-consider having the ability to vote on the topic of the live stream as a reward for patrons. Need to figure out way to give value to patrons, rather than trying to reward patrons.

Erin-patrons are donating because they want to help the IJA

Afton-5 year IJA member, but only accessed ejuggle twice in that time.

-Reinstatement Form – placement on website

8. Confirm Next Meetings

Vision Meeting Tuesday November 13th, 2018 at 5pm PST.

Board Meeting Tuesday November 27th, 2018 at 5pm PST.


9. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn: Ian

Discussion: Great Meeting! Promising Motions.

Voting: Unanimous Approval


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