Business Board Meeting Sept 24, 2019

Business Board Meeting Sept 24, 2019

1. Call to Order

Chair, Mike Moore, called the meeting to order at:  pm 8:04 EST

2. Roll

Present: Exuro, Sofia, Amy, Afton, Scott, Galen, Erin, Martin, Mike

Absent: Eric, Matan



3. Approval of Agenda

There should be a motion in tonight’s meeting to approve the contracts for our 2023 destination, South Bend, IN. 

I sent a note to the Board on Friday with a link to the contracts for review. All the factors, both financial and logistical, are very promising for this festival, and I urge the Board to approve this motion so we can conclude our deal with South Bend for 2023. See the Future Festivals Site Report section for details.

-This has been added.  In the future, feel free to add motions directly to the agenda (if I mess up editing privileges, please let me know) – Mike Moore


Motion: Exuro

Second by: Scott


Vote:  Passes unanimously 

4. Approval of Minutes: 

Business Board Meeting (LINK)

Motion: Exuro

Second: Scott


Vote: Passes unanimously 


5. Reports 

Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.


2020 Festival Report (Noel Yee)


In relation to questions on fest report: Separate link to a festival website? Ross willing to run this. Noel and Ross believe a separate URL makes it easier to navigate fest info. How many clicks it currently takes to go through fest information on current site is a potential barrier to fest registration and info gathering. 

Erin – updating fest info on website has been a daunting task in the past for the volunteers running it. Ross’s willingness to run fest website is very helpful

Noel – potentially try this separate site this year and ensure it does route back to 

Amy – potential to run google analytics on this site to track success

Martin – would like to talk to Ross; concern about branding of this website, how it links/directs traffic back to, 

Scott – the more clicks, the more likely to lose people on the website. Have branding guidelines passed along.


Future Festival Site Report (Mike Sullivan)

New Future Festivals Site Coordinator-in-Training Craig Lewis and I are in Green Bay, Wisconsin all week this week at the Small Market Meetings Conference, prospecting for our 2024 festival destination. We expect to have 40-50 appointments with destinations of the size that work well with our group.

During our time together in Louisville last month and our time together here in Green Bay, Craig and I have completed all the in-person training he needed to learn the role along with all the tools and procedures I have used. So, we are going to zero-out the expenses we planned to incur with a dedicated in-person training meeting, saving $700 from the total. I now expect to land the entire training expense under budget after this week’s expenses. Below is a snapshot of the expenses to date and how we’re tracking vs. budget:

Last month, at Connect Sports Marketplace, we had 62 meetings with destinations all over the country, and we agreed after the conference that these cities seemed promising:

  • Spartanburg, SC
  • Evansville, IN
  • Montgomery, AL
  • Augusta, GA
  • Durham, NC

We are actively following-up with all those cities to move along with qualification.

There should be a motion in tonight’s meeting to approve the contracts for our 2023 destination, South Bend, IN. 

I sent a note to the Board on Friday with a link to the contracts for review. All the factors, both financial and logistical, are very promising for this festival, and I urge the Board to approve this motion so we can conclude our deal with South Bend for 2023.

Discussion: None


eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer) (old report)



Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data



Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)


Plenty of interaction from India

Mike: useful to get a Hindi translator for our tutorial series?

Erin: Potentially, though a lot of Indian people speak English, too.  She’ll look to connect Mike with someone.


IRC Report (Erin Stephens)



YJA Report (Galen Harp)


Best way to go about selling buttons to adults for donations

Aftion: give orgs with button presses the digital file or sell the file. Have them collect money and paypal it to IJA

 Galen: need to ensure people are being honest about buttons given vs sold

Erin: track the process so we can duplicate it elsewhere. Also translations of the buttons would be good.

Financial Report (Afton Benson)



6. Motions for Consideration

A: Motion to approve the IJA Juggling World Cup 2021 Proposal.

Author : Erin Stephens
Motion : Exuro
Second : Amy

Discussion : 

Does the World Cup act have to be the same as the prelim act?

Erin – potentially open to routines changing/progressing, wording to be determined

Scott: What is this approving exactly?

Erin: Being able to announce the juggling world cup, this is not approving the budget

Scott: So this is only approving that we can announce this?

Erin: Yes, with the rule of the winners getting expenses paid for their trip to the JWC

[Eric joins the call at 9:13pm]


Vote : 

In favour : Sofia, Amy, Scott, Exuro, Eric, Mike
Oppose : None
Abstain : None
Result : Motion passes unanimously


B: Motion to approve Periplo International Circus Festival in Guadalajara, México as the host of the IJA Juggling World Cup 2021. Proposal

Author : Erin Stephens
Motion : Sofia
Second : Scott

Discussion :

Vote :
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Motion passes unanimously


C: Motion to approve holding an IRC Fundraiser on Giving Tuesday – December 3rd.

Author : Erin Stephens
Motion : Eric
Second : Exuro

Discussion : 

Vote :
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Motion passes unanimously


D. Motion to donate 100 USD for the etching of the IJA’s and the Ft Wayne Boys and Girls club’s logos onto the Buddy Bench that was donated by the past presidents of the IJA.

Author : Bill Barr
Motion : Sofia
Second : Scott

Discussion :

  • Sammie Vance, the winner of the first (and semi-eponymous) IJA Sammie Vance Youth Civic Achievement Award, collects bottlecaps and turns them into Buddy Benches
  • Buddy Benches are for people to sit in to signal they’re looking for company/someone to play with, etc.
  • Last festival, three past presidents (Tommy Curtain, Tom Dewart, Bill Barr) donated 100 USD each for the creation of a Buddy Bench
  • They are also looking to have an etching on the bench.  95 USD gets words on the bench (what a buddy bench is, the IJA, and the Boys and Girls club we partnered with last year).  Bill Barr has donated this money.
  • They are also looking to have the IJA’s logo and the Boys and Girls club’s logo on the bench.  This would cost 100 USD. They (Bill Barr and Heidi Vance, who have been working together on this) have asked the IJA if we are willing to donate this money.

Afton: In the future, more foresight on new expenditures for projects like this would be great


Vote :
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Motion passes unanimously


E: Motion to approve the contracts for our 2023 destination, South Bend, IN in this folder.

Author : Mike Sullivan
Motion : Sofia
Second : Scott


Discussion : 

Afton: on Convention center contract: second page has breakdown of fees. Daily rate listed but total isn’t – also, if this daily rate is actually the daily rate, there’s a large price discrepancy

Contract also says cannot bring food or beverage into the convention center, which means we’d have to use their catering with 72 hr notice prior to event. 22% surcharge on catered food. Would not be able to do late night pizza/snacks from donors as has happened in the past

No labor rates or rates for sound equipment listed. No carpet in gym space.  

Theater: Can’t bring own food per contract. Quoting $265 per show for beverages

$50 for passwords?

Stagehand labor rates seem abnormally low. Cost for additional gels/labor not listed

Est costs for theater 19k, potentially will end up being 22-24k 

Hotel: Mike: Potential to donate points received from hotel to IJA? Set up hotel rewards for IJA to use perks for IJA related trips

Visit South Bend Grant: Would have to apply ourselves and also don’t know a dollar amount. Afton needs more info.

Scott: Taking above comments into consideration, about what would the difference be between what’s presented and what could be possible? 

Afton: about 12 grand as it stands. Could use more discussion overall.

Vote :
In favour:
Oppose : Sofia, Scott, Exuro, Eric, Amy, Mike
Abstain :
Result : Motion fails


7. Varia:

Eric: Any ideas on moving forward with the physical thank you letters for Unna Med for the scholarships from last year?

When Exuro hears from Unna Med, will pass info along.

8. Confirm Next Meeting

Next meetings will take place on…

Oct 8th for the next vision meeting

Oct 29 for the next business meeting


9. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn : Exuro

Discussion : 

Voting : Motion passes unanimously


Meeting adjourned at 9:58 pm EST. 

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