1. Call to Order
Chair, Exuro Piechocki, called the meeting to order at: 5:03 pm PST
2. Roll:
Present: Mike Moore, Matan Presberg, Sofia Noethe, Erin Stephens, David Cain, Afton Benson, Galen Harp, Ian Loughlin(5:11)
Absent: Eric Shibuya (out of town), Yuki Ueda(flying toJJF)
Recorder: Exuro
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Mike
Second by: Sofia
Discussion: none
Vote: Unanimous approval
4. Approval of Minutes:
Business Board Meeting 8/21/18
Motion: Sofia
Second: Mike
Discussion: none
Vote: Unanimous approval
5. Reports
Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.
YJA Report (Galen Harp)
Discussion: Galen is going to ACE conference in October. Ely has offered to help with social media.
ACE conference has a well laid out schedule of events that Galen has selected a course from.
Encourage other orgs to use the button program.
Erin suggests some social media coverage of that we are there.
****Ian Enters the call****
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: Almost all finalized. Working on details of where money from donors came from and went to. Expects to be finished shortly. Festival in the black by about $23,000. Largely credited to lots of sales of day passes on Fri and Sat at a high rate.
Communications Report (Afton Benson)
Need a communications director, e-news editor, video director (Nathan will do next year’s, but need someone for one after)
All other officers are on board for another year.
2018 Festival Report (Noel Yee)
Detail From Noel : I cannot attend this meeting and I am waiting on hearing from afton about the last years event. I have nothing more to report unless the board has questions.
Discussion: none
2019 Festival Report (David Cain)
-~90-95% of festival roles filled
-Starting to book welcome show and cascade of stars – “British Invasion” Welcome show theme looks to be possible. Shows look to be in good shape.
-In communication with the City of Fort Wayne downtown development group to have a juggler as the busker festival headliner, ideally a cascade performer. Giving the IJA a free performer spot. Anyone can apply to be a roaming busker. Saturday only event.
-Schedule is set.
-Announcement video should be out this coming week for the .
-Progress is happening on the special event nights.
-Current fest budget: ~$93 000 (and that’s being generous)
-Needs marketing and graphic design progress.
Erin urges initiative to connect with Ian for website promotion and to create event page on Facebook.
Ian willing to assist with marketing.
Matan willing to assist with marketing also.
eJuggle Report (Scott Seltzer)
Discussion: none
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data
Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)
-New all time high growth on instagram, getting bigger fast as we get bigger.
-Facebook is gaining traction again after a long slow decline.
-Moving to stay focused on IJA centric material with program related topics for days of the week.
-Open an application for Tricks of the Month to have one feature each month from an applicant.
-Open an application for IJA insta takeover at festivals
-Open a process to get featured by our social media
-Idea to feature a Board or Officer once each week on insta stories to show the faces of the IJA
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
-Chloe is in Melbourne for IRC Oceania.
-Record high number of applicants for South America with 27
-Exploring how to raise funds to fly in finalists for Africa since the applicants are very spread out.
6. Motions for Consideration
A. To appoint Afton Benson as Interim IJA Communications Director
Detail : This action was previously approved unanimously by straw poll. Martin Frost’s resignation has left this position empty. Afton has offered to fill it until another suitable candidate presents themself.
Discussion : none
Motion : Mike
Second : Matan
Vote :
Oppose : none
Abstain : none
Result : Unanimous approval
B. To provide IJA credit cards to Erin Stephens and Exuro Piechocki, and to remove Jim Maxwell’s credit card.
Detail : Erin will benefit from a card for both marketing and irc expenses. She currently has possession of Jim’s card. Jim is presently inactive. Exuro as chair is required to make some purchases on behalf of the IJA.
Discussion : none
Motion : Matan
Second : Mike
Vote :
Oppose : none
Abstain : none
Result : Unanimous Approval
C. That the IJA purchase an Epson projector system to be used at IJA Festivals.
Detail : This is a need every year and we often have to scramble to rent or borrow one. Mike Sullivan is retired from Epson and can purchase one for us at a 30% discount. We will have great need for a projector this year and it would be great to have one that belongs to the organization.
Note from Mike Sullivan: My retiree discount is closer to 45-50% off list price, not 30% as mentioned above. As an example, the Epson PowerLite 2274U WUXGA full-HD meeting room projector lists for $1,449. My price is $749.96 with free shipping and no sales tax (for delivery to Florida), a discount of 48%.
Discussion : Purpose will be for in-gym (like film festival), not for theater.
Which budget will this come from? Likely festival budget.
Where will the device live between events? How will it get from festival to festival?
This could be a festival expense made without an independent motion.
Motion : Matan
Second : Mike
Vote :
Oppose : Matan, Sofia, Mike, Exuro
Abstain :
Result : Motion Fails
D. That the IJA begin using G Suite for Nonprofits beginning with 4 paid users.
Detail : This is the development of the need to store data that led us to explore dropbox. G Suite allows unlimited data storage at a comparable rate to dropbox. It also allows for juggle.org emails to be used through the gmail and google drive services. Emails can be responded to easily from a juggle.org email address in the sender line, and the IJA will be the owner of all future items in the shared IJA Folder that would otherwise already be stored in google drive. The difference between paid and unpaid users is that paid users are given unlimited data storage, while unpaid users receive a cap on their data storage. The initial 4 users will be Exuro Piechocki, Erin Stephens, Emory Kimbrough, and Jay Ko. The anticipated user cost is $10/user/month.
Discussion :
Afton asks if we are approved to use this service – Yes we are, have a verification code already.
Motion : Sofia
Second : Mike
Vote :
Oppose : none
Abstain : none
Result : Unanimous Approval
E. To send YJA Director Galen Harp to the 2018 American Circus Educators conference.
Detail : This action was previously approved unanimously by straw poll.
ACE Proposal from Galen
Discussion :
Motion : Sofia
Second : Matan
Vote :
Oppose : none
Abstain : none
Result : Unanimous approval
F. To ratify the following document for use as application of reinstatement by a previously expelled member.
Detail : There is currently no guidance in how “An expelled person shall have the opportunity to re-apply for membership”. This document aims to give them a way to proceed and reminds them of the decision criteria.
Discussion :
Expelled members needed a system in place since there was no clear method of reapplication.
Motion : Mike
Second : Ian
Vote :
Oppose : none
Abstain : none
Result : Unanimous approval
G. To link the document from motion F in a publicly visible place on the IJA website.
Detail : Initially this was proposed to be amended into the bylaws. Input from several people swayed this motion to read as it does now, rather than to amend the bylaws themselves.
Discussion :
Matan – Where will this go on the website?
Possibly on memberships page? Another location that makes it clear but not publicly glaring with a large piece of text.
Mike – suggests to send this to anyone who is expelled in the future at the time of them being expelled.
How to pass that idea down? Maybe adopt it as policy in another meeting?
This is all good for transparency
Motion : Mike
Second : Sofia
Vote :
Oppose : none
Abstain : none
Result : Unanimous approval
7. Varia:
From Eric : any ideas/progress on consolidations/migration of the website? Is this something we should move up the priority list?
There is not an immediate rush as may have been previously perceived.
Possibly form a committee to find a solution and move forward with it.
Unna Med is willing to fund another 3 or 5 years of YM in a lump sum.
Juggle.org reads as malware on Matan’s work computer.
Online Tutorial Video series to up and coming juggling regions. (Erin)
A lot of areas in the world are just getting into juggling in a way that they would benefit from education materials and resources. Erin is personally interested in producing some tutorials, being mindful of Afghani jugglers and how they would benefit from a project like this.
8. Confirm Next Meetings
Vision Meeting Tuesday October 9th, 2018 at 5pm PST.
Board Meeting Tuesday October 30th, 2018 at 5pm PST.
9. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: Mike
Voting: unanimous approval
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm PST.