Business Board Meeting Sunday December 19, 2021

1. Call to Order

Chair, Aslynne Howes, called the meeting to order at 8:06  pm EST

2. Roll

Present: Benjamin, Chris, Matan, Scott, Martin, Afton, Aslynne, Jared Davis

Absent: Amy, Niels

Recorder: Matan


3. Approval of Agenda

Motion: Scott

Second by: Benjamin


Vote: passes unanimously

4. Approval of Minutes: 

Business Board Meeting (LINK)

Motion: Scott

Second: Benjamin


Vote: passes unanimously


5. Reports 

Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.


2022 Festival Report (Afton Benson)


Martin:  How will the scholarships be advertised?

Afton:  Facebook/social media and email

Scott: could be a good opportunity to get international reps to help out spreading the word

Afton: will only release sponsorship application around April (or when we have enough $$), to ensure we don’t announce we have $$ we can’t follow through on

Afton: ready to go live with festival packages pretty much anytime, waiting on email migration to reduce technical risk

Afton: will have to update verbiage in covid policy as to what tests are acceptable (at home vs. PCR)

Martin: would prefer vaccination only and not accept negative tests

Martin: could consider temperature checks on the way in

Scott: don’t think Mondo has had issues with the people getting angry about strict covid policy (vaccine only)

Aslynne: does covid policy show up in the registration process? Afton: will check in, mondo had a checkbox that was required while registering

Aslynne: are there # people indoor vs. outdoor in a room? Afton: nothing in Iowa, but we can enforce our own policies

Martin: European pass out needed to cancel due to venues having too strict policies


Financial Report (Afton Benson)


-note: may have low early bird numbers due to people who usually buy early will likely have carried their package forward

Martin: can we get people who carried their packages forward to go through the registration process, for counting purposes and in case we’re selling anything else on that page (like merch)

Martin: funds in checking + saving doesn’t include donations we can’t touch right? Afton: correct – those funds not included in report

Afton: news from iiwii – not donating this year or supporting festival next year (this will mean no brunch)


Future Festival Site Report (Mike Sullivan)



Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data


Aslynne: Can we get historical data from July since we missed reporting that month?

Martin: not in any convenient way, would be a tedious process

Martin: this has happened a few times in the passed


Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)



13 posts in November, 7 so far in December

80.3k followers Instagram

Afton: How to contact the marketing team for Fest information?

Matan: Facebook chat group is likely the way to go, but we will discuss and get back to you.

IRC Report (Erin Stephens)



YJA Report (Galen Harp)



OpsO Report (Scott Steiskal)

  1. Letter ready to be sent. Sent via email.


  1. I have received one letter of interest for the YJA Director role from Jared Davis. I will send an email with all the letters of interest I receive before the deadline in the February board meeting.
  2. I added a water bottle and vacuum mug to the teespring store. 
  3. I got a callback from Old National Bank for investments. Will be exploring options with them if they have an acceptable option we will make Old National and Thrivent our options.
  4. I have started writing a standard operating procedure for the operations Officer role. Eventually I would like one of these to exist for every Officer role.



Scott: Hoping to have letter to officers sent by the first of the month and will give them about 30 days to respond.   

Scott: could we buy IJA merch at price to advertise the IJA? For example – festival raffles. Could do this via discount code.


Matan: have we gotten requests like this?

Scott: yes – and granted it on a 1 time basis

Afton: could reach out to organizers of fests to offer this (this could be a job for affiliates director! :D)


6. Motions for Consideration

A: Motion to…

Author :
Motion :
Second : 

Discussion : 


Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : 


7. Varia:

Martin says: Google Workspace transition not done yet.  Amy, when are you available to work on that?


Collaboration Video Update

Only one submission so far, no submissions for editors. 


Scott: Can we receive videos via other methods ie IG, to expand?


Chris: Yes we could, would make editing less required, which would be better

Matan: We could do this with a low level of commitment

Chris: Can we add a few hashtags to make it easier?

Matan: Depends on what the Marketing Team has capacity for.


Martin: David Cain requested a special edition of the eNewsletter for Awards, can we push back the deadline?

Afton:  Afton had discussed with David Cain, and we can definitely move the deadline.  


8. Confirm Next Meeting

Next meetings will take place on…

January 9, 2022 at 8:00PM ET for the next vision meeting

January 30, 2022 at 8:00PM ET for the next business meeting


9. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 9:16pm EST. 

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