Business Board Meeting Sunday, January 30, 2022

1. Call to Order

Chair, Aslynne Howes, called the meeting to order at 8:03 pm EST

2. Roll

Present: Benjamin, Scott, Matan, Niels, Amy, Chris, Afton, Martin, Aslynne


Recorder: Afton


3. Approval of Agenda

Motion: Benjamin D-R

Second by: Scott S


Vote: Unanimous approval 

4. Approval of Minutes: 

Business Board Meeting (LINK)

Motion: Niels D

Second: Benjamin D-R


Vote: Unanimous approval 


5. Reports 

Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.


2022 Festival  Report (Afton Benson)

Discussion: **aded 1/30/22 at 4:18 pm CST**

Close to going live. Finishing details with Ross and Shivella.
Working to find method for donation of festival packages in different amounts.
Unna Med is interested in funding special guests.
Unna Med will cover packages for competitors as well as supporting scholarship fund.
Wants to support further than packages and travel stipend. Will be more flexible stipend. (E.g. if someone doesn’t NEED travel, the stipend can be flexible enough to help other members needing travel.)
Afton hopes to have everyone look at these changes soon.
Afton is having people look over scholarship things and will bring to next meeting.
Flamingo club nominations in and working on Sky King Award.
Afton wants awardees to have festival package to encourage attending.
Afton will extend package to past board members that should have received.

T-Shirt design nearly complete. (Graphic on back. Front will have IJA logo. (Clarified small logo on front))

X-Juggling returns! (Talking with Jack Kalvan)

Just nominees being voted on will receive package?
– Afton checked handbook and was disappointed it hadn’t been happening.
– Martin making sure nominees know well in advance
– Afton will pen a letter as soon as nominees voted on!

Martin asks When Afton wants the festival email be sent out
– next few days after those final details reviewed by Ross and Shivela

Aslynne asks about parliamentarian and meeting times
– Afton copied over schedule of past years
– Possible to change current scheduled time if needed (doesn’t sound like it needs to be changed)
– Currently set to July 13th at 3pm CT
– will be planned to be in person with a digital presence

Financial Report (Afton Benson)

Discussion: **Added 1/30/22 at 4:20 pm CST**
Not much to report outside of report link!


Future Festival Site Report (Mike Sullivan)


Chris G. When are we asking for proposals for next year’s organizers? Jared Davis was inquiring. 


Aslynne: When does the call usually go out? Martin: It varies a lot. A year to year and a half. Feb/March would be a good time to do that. Aslynne: Could get something to Martin, unless we want to use the previous years. Martin: can fill in the blank spaces using the previous years. 


Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data



Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)


Matan P: Marketing team met and discussed future of marketing, not 100% clear on who is going to approach doing the director title, and looking to put a call out for that. Jorge from mexico and Cassandra Smith will be joining! Need to document what they are doing and what the marketing team owns. Missing responding to social media messages. Marketing team will be owning the festival marketing as well. 

Martin: Make a list of sites and passwords. Matan: Won’t be a password management doc it’ll be what we have done and will do with social media. 

Afton: we do have a document with passwords, maybe it could be integrated, and just add who has access (what names etc))

Aslynne:  Has Cassandra been on the team long? Matan: Nope hasn’t fully integrated yet. 

IRC Report (Erin Stephens)



YJA Report (Galen Harp)


Niels: Galen Stepped down correct?

Aslynne: He is intending to but has not fully yet, we put the call out for the position. 

Scott: Deadline is tomorrow 1/31/22, if it’s just one there will be a motion to nominate that person. 

Niels: That was Albert Lucas? Scott: No, it is Jared Davis. Niels: Will remind him. 

Scott: Feel free to give Albert my email. 


OpsO Report (Scott Steiskal)



I have reached out to the officers.

Officers who will continue: Jim Maxwell, David Cain, Mike Sullivan, Craig Lewis, Viveca Gardiner, NeilFred Picciotto, Scott Seltzer, Afton Benson, Martin Frost, Thom Wall, Dennis Morrison, Ian Loughlin


Officer ready to move on:

Marilyn Sullivan (membership)

Don Lewis (newsletter co-editor)

Scott Steiskal (operations) at end of term


Officers I have Not Heard From: Josie Marks-McQuade, David Landowne

Going to follow up tonight with them to see where they are at. 


2) I have received one application for YJA Director, the deadline is tomorrow. If I still only have one I will make a motion to nominate them on the next board meeting.

Will email the board any applications in one email. 


3) Here are upcoming dates I am available to lead a meeting with the board to discuss our Officer makeup.

Wed Feb 2, 7PM CST

Sun Feb 6 anytime after 5PM CST- 

Wed Feb 9, 7PM CST 

Meeting will be Sun Feb 6th. We will have an email out by the end of day Wed, go through the roles and discuss if we need that role or other roles we need. 

Martin: Did you email the international reps? Scott: Not yet wanted to chat first and then reach out. Martin: They’re not doing anything specific but they haven’t been asked too. Aslynne: Let’s ask what they are currently doing as well. 

Martin: Who is interested in running for re-election? Aslynne: Benjamin, Matan, Chris, and Scott are up for re-election. Benjamin is because he filled a role. 

Benjamin: Is looking to run! Martin: It’ll be in a newsletter soon. 


6. Motions for Consideration

A: Motion to Approve IJA 2022 Award Recommendations 

Author : David Cain
Motion : Benjamin D-R
Second : Niels D

Discussion :  Niels: Very few folks nominated people, the committee had to brainstorm to figure folks out. Martin: They shouldn’t nominate someone who isn’t a good choice. 


Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Passes Unanimously


B: Motion to approve IJA Contracts 

Author : Afton Benson
Motion : Benjamin D-R
Second : Matan P. 

Discussion : 

Niels: The information is good in the performer one but the English is unnecessarily difficult. 

Afton: Agrees but also notes the contracts are written to deal with the U.S. legal system.

Niels: Don’t know if we want to give such a serious tone it’s not welcoming.

Aslynne: Valid we want to have it sound as welcoming as possible, when it’s legally binding document it has to be as complex as it has to be. I’m sure we can discuss the contract wit the performer. 

Niels: You won’t have all the vocabulary for someone say from Japan. Do we want to give this as a first impression 

Matan: I think it’s a problem if they are getting their first impression from the contact we should be willing to talk with them about it. 

Martin: They all say “end” Afton: I’ll verify that, that should be there. 

Aslynne: Not all performers will be over the age of 18. Afton: Will ask the attorney that it’s cool for us to add a line that says the legal guardian can sign for the youth. 

Martin: Signature Line needs a name. Afton: Def does just a training thing. 

Aslynne: Can we vote on this as is? Martin: Can wait or add an addendum that if the changes are made then it’s approved.  Afton: Would like the urgency to remain since no one asked questions until tonight.  

Matan: If we unconditionally approve them can we amend them later? Martin: Yes. 

Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Passes unanimously 


C: Motion to approve the IRC Mexico 2022

Author : Erin Stephens
Motion : Niels D
Second : Benjamin D-R

Discussion : Niels: Question – how much would this IRC cost the IJA to support it?

Matan: IRCs come out of the IRC Budget 

Afton: There are no flights since the organizers are local.  The IRCs have its own budget.

Aslynne: They do have donations that go directly to the IRCs 

Martin: Assume that the IJA has paid $300-600 for prize money. Aslynne: The $300 is in the budget for prize money. Matan: This is coming from the organizing festival. Martin: Usually the IJA pays half for prize money. 

Afton:  Do we need to ask Erin for clarification as to how much it will be from the IRC budget

Matan:  Does the IRC normally state how much comes from the IRC budget?

Afton: Erin usually drafts an expected  budget for the year, which I don’t think we’ve seen yet.

Aslynne:  Will email Erin requesting additional clarification and a 2022 budget.

Afton: Last edits received from Erin re: the budget did not include any funds from the IRC account for the Mexico IRC


Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Passes Unanimously 

7. Varia:


Role of IJA Juggling Competitions (Added by Benjamin 1/30/22 – 7:14 PM)

  • Respond to Viveca and address changes
  • Who would usually respond to that email? Aslynne: The email from 1/25/22? Benjamin: Correct. Scott, doesn’t have the email. Aslynne: Thanks for bringing this up let’s chat about it via email and we’ll see if it needs to go to the vision meeting. 


Aslynne will email Viveca.


Google Workspace status and timeline: Martin: Where are we at on that Amy? Amy: No updates currently was planning to start running migrations this week. Need to run those before switching and moving to the next step. Once the migration is completed will need to send a potential destruction of email notice. 

Martin: Keep Mike Sullivan in the loop about the status of that. Will you need an update of aliases? Amy: A most updated list would be great. Was unaware that Martin contacted Mike Sullivan would you contacting the owners of the emails regarding the date of switchover? 


8. Confirm Next Meeting

Next meetings will take place on…

for the next vision meeting: Feb 20th 8pm EST

for the next business meeting: Feb 27th 8pm EST


9. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 9:26 pm EST. 

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