1. Call to Order
Chair, Aslynne Howes, called the meeting to order at 5:03 pm CDT
2. Roll:
Present: Aslynne Howes, Craig Lewis, Amy Wieliczka, Scott Stieskal, Afton Benson, Ross Berenson, Niels Duinker, Benjamin Domask-Ruh, Noel Yee, Sofia Noethe, Martin Frost
Recorder: Afton Benson
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion: Amy W.
Second by: Ross B.
Vote: Passes Unanimously
4. Approval of Minutes:
Business Board Meeting (June Business meeting LINK)
Motion: Niels D.
Second: Sofia N.
Vote: Passes Unanimously
5. Reports
Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.
2022 Festival Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: N/A
Financial Report (Afton Benson)
Discussion: N/A
Future Festival Site Report (Craig Lewis)
Discussion: N/A
Noel: are the south bend people coming?
Afton: No but we are showing a video and maybe could announce Exuro
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data
Discussion: N/A
Marketing Report (Matan Presberg)
Discussion: Sam Malcolm may be interested in joining the team!
IRC Report (Erin Stephens)
Discussion: N/A
YJA Report (Benjamin Domask-Ruh)
Discussion: N/A
OpsO Report (Scott Steiskal)
Discussion: N/A
6. Motions for Consideration
A: Motion to approve Aslynne Howes as Chair for 2022-2023
Author : Aslynne Howes
Motion : Sofia N.
Second : Benjamin D-R.
Discussion : Aslynne: Explained how and asked who was interested.
Niels: Unsure what was included for the role, Aslynne: Detailed the role a bit. Niels: Are you interested in the role still? Aslynne: Would be interested.
Motion to amend to say Aslynne Howes
Motion: Benjamin
Second: Amy
Vote: Motion passes
Abstain: Aslynne H.
Discussion on amended motion:
Noel: Why do you want to continue on? Aslynne: Likes working with people and is mission oriented.
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain : Aslynne H.
Result : Motion passes
B: Motion for a pro tem extension on the IJA Officer positions.
Author : Aslynne Howes
Motion : Benjamin D-R.
Second : Amy W,
Discussion : Aslynne: This allows the officers to continue in their roles.
Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result : Passes Unanimously
7. Varia:
Afton: Would prefer a set schedule so we don’t have to pick a date and we can plan around it.
Aslynne: Will send a when is good vs. setting the meeting time.
Martin: The updates to memberships email forwarding that were requested were done
Ross: How do items come up for discussion in the meetings? Aslynne sends the agenda and asks for updates or items to discuss.
Martin: All the emails have been updated for ija.board and ija.boardplus
Scott: Always get your reports in 24 hours ahead of time
Afton: Please read my reports.
Ross: Is vision meeting the same? Aslynne: Vision should be for discussing a lot more than the business meeting.
8. Confirm Next Meeting
Next meetings will take place on…
TBD for the next vision meeting
TBD for the next business meeting
9. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 5:23 PM CDT.