Business Board Meeting Wednesday October 20, 2021

1. Call to Order

Chair, Aslynne Howes, called the meeting to order at 8:05pm EST

2. Roll

Present: Amy Wieliczka, Benjamin Domask-Ruh, Niels Duinker, Chris Garcia, Matan Presberg, Martin Frost, Aslynne Howes, Scott Steiskal


Recorder: Matan


3. Approval of Agenda

Motion: Niels

Second by: Chris


Changed agenda to include Google Suite report before varia to accommodate Amy’s schedule

Vote: approved unanimously

4. Approval of Minutes: 

Business Board Meeting (LINK)

Motion: Matan

Second: Niels


Vote: passes unanimously


5. Reports 

Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less except for festival discussion.


Google Suite Report (Amy Wielicza)

We have a persistent room available here:
Dial in: (US) +1 857-323-2106 PIN: 493 898 432#
More phone numbers:

Note: this is associated with a recurring calendar event, if the event is deleted this link will likely not work.

Migration of emails still in progress, hoping that should fix the issues with and emails.

We will switch our meetings to google meet soon, once we finalize details.


Note: anyone can join – don’t need google account

Amy: someone will always have to “own the event” and it will always record one single person.  We might be able to have all voting board members to own the event so anyone can start the call.

Matan:  Currently only one person is able to start the call

Amy: We could create a account and share the credentials so anyone can log into it

Martin: Maybe or instead?

Amy: bugs are: only one person can start the call

Martin: nice to have a zoom-like functionality with multiple co-hosts

Chris: test calling in

Amy: did test calling in


[Scott Steiskal joins the call at 8:29pm]


2022 Festival Report (Afton Benson)

Discussion: Martin: what is the “being voted on by Feb 2022” referring to?  The nominees or the awards committee itself?


[Amy exits the call at 8:38pm]

Financial Report (Afton Benson)


Niels: what does YM stand for?

Martin: ‘Your Membership’ is the service we use for all backend related membership tasks

Future Festival Site Report (Mike Sullivan)



Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)
Membership Data



Marketing Report (Erin Stephens/Matan Presberg)


Matan – some marketing stats added 10-20:


followers: 78.3k (+273 in September)

posts in September: 21

196k accounts reached, 21k engaged


104.2k page likes

1.175 million accounts reached


IRC Report (Erin Stephens)



YJA Report (Galen Harp)


Scott was unsuccessful in reaching Galen, and will try again (through multiple avenues if necessary).

Niels: if we don’t hear back from an officer, do we have a process in place? Would we remove them after a certain amount of time?

Overall no policy, we take everything on a case by case basis.


OpsO Report (Scott Steiskal)



6. Motions for Consideration

A: Motion to approve the 2022 IJA Festival Budget

Author : Afton Benson
Motion : Matan
Second :  Niels

Discussion : 

Matan: likes the sponsorships idea (Adult w/sponsorship line).

Chris: where did the estimates for numbers of tickets sold come from?

Aslynee: good question! Not 100% sure, but Afton is known for conservative estimates, and has been doing this a long time.

Benjamin: reiterating that Afton is aimed at conservative estimates that match reality as much as possible


Martin: line says ‘registar,’ should this be at minimum ‘registrar’ or ‘parliamentarian’ as Laura Meade has been parliamentarian for us in the past. Will she be in person or on zoom?

Vote :
In favour:
Oppose :
Abstain :
Result :  passes unanimously


7. Varia:

Matan: does anyone know of a reason why podcasts are not posted on Spotify / other podcast platforms?

Martin: is it free?

Matan: as far as I know! 

Matan: will reach out to Scott Seltzer for this

Aslynne: Are there content ownership issues?

Matan: don’t believe so – but will check with Scott.


8. Confirm Next Meeting

Next meetings will take place on…

Wed Oct 27th at 8:00EST for the next vision meeting


9. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 9:06pm EST. 

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