Board Meeting – February 15, 2012

Regular Board Meeting February 15, 2012
@ 8:30pm Eastern Time…

1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kim Laird called the meeting to order at 8:33 p.m. EST.

2. ROLL:
Present: Kim Laird (Chair), Kevin Axtell, Matt Hall, Richard Kennison, Thom Wall, Erin Stephens, Mike Sullivan (Future fest director, 2011 fest director), Sandy Brown

Absent: Dave Pawson, Martin Frost

3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Thom moved to approve the agenda for February 15, 2012. Second byErin.  Website update will be added to agenda. Agenda is approved unanimously.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Matt moved to approve the minutes from January 18, 2012. Second by Kevin. Minutes approved. Thom abstained.

APPROVAL OF DECEMBER MINUTES: Thom moved to table the minutes from December, 2012. Second byErin. Minutes have been tabled.

2012 Fest (Matt Hall)

Festival printed information (registration and Festival brochure) was reviewed by Directors. Price for the Special Workshop is reduced. Joggling moved to Saturday. Championships Director is still needed. Names of various people were batted around. Two ways to register—faxing has been eliminated. T-shirts look good. Previous years t-shirts orders will be reviewed. Festival budget will be revised and approved next month.

Future Festivals (Mike Sullivan)

2014 Festival will not be in Winston-Salemand they will be notified in a formal cancellation. Nothing is firm for 2014. Potential for Knoxville, TN. Convention centers may be too expensive in the future. There is interest from Quebec City. Mike traveling to Springfield, MOnext month.

Financial (John Nikkel & Holly Greeley)

Year-end not finished yet, until 990 is completed.
Website Team (David Landowne, Martin Frost, Mike Sullivan, Erin Stevens)

Mike to sit through online demos of 3 proposed systems and report to the Board at next meeting. iiWii has received entire package for feedback.
Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)

1222 member records

1453 members

171 families

63 youths

280 life members
Education (Kevin Axtell/Erin Stephens)

Looking at t-shirt designs for the fest this year to raise awareness for YEP. Kevin and Kim may be doing a YEP presentation in Kim’s county. Interest growing for this summer’s festival YEP program
Marketing/Promotions (Thom Wall)

Thom plugging away at Video Tutorial Contest. Thinking about a Festival comp as a prize. Formal introduction needed in official rules. Vendors are still supporting the contest.

E-zine is being viewed, but promotion needed to market to the members.Erinmentioned an email to be sent to members to remind members of the e-zine.

2011 Fest DVD: production company states that 2 separate covers needed for 2 dvd set. Order can go through IJA store or Kinocki (?).


A. Motion to approve 2012 operating budget (first draft). From $1200 to $9,000

Motion: Kevin


Discussion: Motion will be amended to change the e-zine line 20 from $1,200 to $9,000.

Motion to approve amendment

Motion: Thom

Second: Matt

Motion approved by unanimous consent pending change of line 20.

B. Motion to table proposed 2012 Festival Budget.

Motion: Matt

Second: Thom

Discussion: Motion table by unanimous consent.

C. Motion to approve release of bank information to Scott Slesnik for the purpose of ezine to use Adsense for advertising revenue.


Second: Kevin

Discussion: Kim or Holly should set up this account instead of Scott Slesnick. Should we sell our own ad space instead of using Adsense? Perhaps a tiered vendor sponsorship. Scott needs to present 1) a proposal telling the Board stating what Adsense can do for the IJA and 2) a budget.

Motion above will be tabled.

Motion: Thom


Motion is tabled by unanimous consent

D. Motion to approve board nomination and election dates and process for absentee ballots.

Motion: Thom

Second: Kevin

Discussion: the 4 current deadline dates will be changed and cut down to two:

1)      April 15 deadline for names and their 100 word statements.

2)      May 15: deadline for 350 statement for newsletter, website and names on ballots

Then a week after that on May 22 mailers would go out. This would be the final IJA mailer and thereafter, all communications would be electronic. An envelope with black and white one-page letter enclosed to 1000 people = $690.00. $1,200 is budgeted.

Motion to reflect changes above.

Motion: Eric

Second: Kevin

Discussion: Communications Director should put this letter together and let the Board review it prior to being mailed out.

Motion reflecting changes passes by unanimous consent.

New Zealand did a Q&A about the IJA recently when Matt was there. They had questions about insurance, etc.

7. NEXT MEETING: Next regular BOD meeting will be held March 21, 2012 at 8:30 pm eastern time.

8. ADJOURNMENT:    Thom moved to adjourn the meeting. Second byErin. Meeting adjourned at 10:07 pm eastern time.