Regular Board Meeting July 18, 2012
@ 11:40 Eastern Time…
Winston-Salem, NC
1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kim Laird called the meeting to order at 11:44 p.m. EST.
2. ROLL:
Present: Kim Laird (Chair), Kevin Axtell, Matt Hall (joined late), Richard Kennison, Dave Pawson, Thom Wall, Erin StephensA, Mike Sullivan (Future fest director, 2011 fest director)
Absent: Martin Frost (communications director), Sandy Brown (recording secretary)
3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Erin Stephens moved to approve the agenda for July 18 2012. Second by Richard Kennison-. Vote: Approved Unanimously
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Kevin Axtell moved to approve the minutes from June 20, 2012. Second by Erin Stephens. Vote: Approved… Thom Wall abstained.
A. Motion to approve Jimmie Nickell as the Parliamentarian for the 2012 AGM.
Motion: Kevin Axtell
Second: Dave Pawson
Discussion: Thank you!
Vote: Approved Unanimously
B. Motion to approve the IRC – Chile proposal, to host an IJA Regional Competition at the 14th annual Convención Chilena de Circo y Arte in Peñaflor, Chile – to be held October 18, 2012. (appendix A)
Motion: Kevin Axtell
Second: Richard Kennison
Discussion: Does not commit money from the IJA. May pass the hat during the fest to offer prize money. IJA will supply trophy/medal.
Vote: Approved Unanimously
C. Motion to approve the IRC – Brazil proposal, to host an IJA Regional Competition at the 14th annual Conveção Brasileira de Malabares a Circo in São João del Rey, Brazil – to be held Friday, November 16th, 2012. (appendix B)
Motion: Thom Wall
Second: Kevin Axtell
Vote: Approved Unanimously
D. Motion to approve 2013 Festival Director.
Motion: Kevin Axtell
Second: Richard Kennison
Amended: Motion to approve Kim Laird as 2013 Festival Director.
Vote: Approved… Matt Hall abstains
6. VARIA: none
7. NEXT MEETING: Next regular BOD meeting will be held at the fest on July 19, 2012 at 9am eastern time.
8. ADJOURNMENT: Erin Stephens moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Richard Kennison. Meeting adjourned at 11:58am eastern time.
Appendix A…
IRC Chile
Who is organizing? The organizer of the convention is “CircoChile”. It’s a group of 10 persons, the representer of the most important circus schools in Chile.
How many people do you expect to attend? The last year we had 1300 persons, this year we will have a limit of 1000 persons.
Where is the festival? It’s in a Little town, 50 kilometers of Santiago.
What type of stage will you provide for the competition (circus tent with stage/lights)? Big circus tent for 1000 persons, stage 9 meter of diameter and full lights.
How do you plan to promote the IJA Regional Competition (Facebook, Website, direct e-mail)? Facebook, is the principal promotional stuff in Chile. And we can put all the information in our web site tooHYPERLINK “”
How many people do you think will compete? (estimate) I think 20 persons, but they will be the best people of Chile.
Are you able to provide prize money? This year I think No…
Are you willing to fulfill the Hosting Festival responsibilities (provide marketing, recruit judges and an emcee, nominate an IRC coordinator…etc.)? Yes, we have all the competition ready.
Close with why you are excited for the IJA competitions to come to Chile. We want that the world knows the high level of juggling we have and we want more artists of north america and Europe comes to the incredible experience of the Chilean convention.
Appendix B…
IRC proposal Brazil
Why is Brazil a good location for this event, geographically?
Brazil is a tropical country with a culture rich in flavours and eccentricities. Our juggling scene here is different of the rest of the world because of our popular culture (music, dance and “capoeira”).
We still don’t have big circus schools, but the scene is growing up and we already have a lot of creative jugglers spread throught the world.
We’re also the largest country in south America, and we have great influence here. More or less 25% of our public, at the national convention, is from latin America, outside Brazil.
Internationalizing the juggling scene here interests us a lot and improve the technical level too. Making an IJA event here would help the juggling scene to grow and to improve here, where juggling is still very discriminated.
Who is organizing this event? What are their roles? Who will maintain contact with the IJA?
Marcelo Castillo, Felipe Cardoso, Antonio Marcos Pires Gil and Cláudio Alberto dos Santos – Organizing the CBMC.
Lucas Gardezani Abduch – Coordinating the IRC.
Does this event have any sponsors? If so, who are they?
Have you allocated prize money into your budget? If so, what numbers will you be able to commit to?
There’s no money or time to try to get money with government cultural projects/incentives.
We’ll realize the convention specially with the money of the inscriptions. We’ll try to get 2,000.00R$ from the main producers of juggling equipment here in Brazil to use as prize for the contest, but we’re not sure yet
The IJA requires that the IRC be the main event one night of the festival. Will this be possible?
Yes! But we have to know as soon as possible if it’s going to happen to organize all our press material and our pre-production.
Does the Host Festival have a theatre booked for this event? What is its capacity? How large is the stage?
There’s no theatre
There are 2 tents and a gym. At least 600 people at the big tent. (Don’ know how large is the stage, right now. (I’m sure it’ll be large enough, we usually have some aerials acts going along with juggling acts, so this won’t be a problem, if you need a precise info I can ask Fernando).
How will the Host Festival promote this event?
Social networks, internet, communication managers all around the country, flyers and posters.
Will the Host Festival be able to provide proof of insurance for this event?
Additional information:
I don’t know if you’re used too conventions organized only with the money of inscriptions.
We had about 600 attendents but 2 years from here the convention started to get smaller, we don’t know why. Now, we’re organizing in a way that will potencialize the Brazilian Convention and the IJA event will be incredibly good for that. We don’t have much time, right now we’re starting to arrange some important details to realize the convention (we’ll open the pre-inscriptions next week) and the printed stuff will be ready up to 20 days. We have to keep a good communication to accord what’s necessary and to assure you that you’ll have the return you’re looking for.
Feel free to contact Foca at HYPERLINK “” or Felipe Carodos at Skype (only Spanish!) or me (Lucas Gardezani Abduch – if there’s