Board Meeting – October 27, 2013

Business Board Meeting October 27, 2013
5:30pm Pacific Time
Call In Information:
Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 1.800.977.8002
Participant Conference Code: 189209#

Start the Recording

1. Call to Order
Chair Erin Stephens called the meeting to order at 5:33 PST.

2. Roll

Present: Jared Davis, Kyle Johnson, Erin Stephens (chair), Lloyd Timberlake, Nathan Wakefield, Noel Yee, Mike Sullivan, Martin Frost, Cody Fiereck

Absent: Scott Krause, and Kim Laird.

3. Approval of Agenda
Lloyd Timberlake moved to approve the agenda for Oct. 27, 2013.
Second by: Kyle Johnson
Vote: Passes

Approval of Minutes:

September 8th Minutes
Motion: Lloyd Timberlake
Second:Noel Yee
Discussion:  None.
Vote: Motion unanimously passes

September 22nd Minutes
Motion:  Lloyd Timberlake
Second: Kyle Johnson
Discussion:  None
Vote: Motion unanimously passes.

4. Reports (Please keep verbal reports to 5 min or less)
2013 Post Festival Report (Kim Laird)

Discussion:  Nathan thinks the video is something that needs to get going soon.  Erin says that it can be collaborated on via the discussion forums.  Erin also said that we can do the same thing for the festival contract.  Martin Frost said that he has been waiting on registration information from Kim Laird since August.  Martin needs details to confirm the registrations (whether they were festival packages, gym passes, etc).

Future Festival Planning (Mike Sullivan)

Discussion: Noel noticed that the other 2015 festival options are centrally located in the US, and he suggests that researching festival site location in 2015 on one of the coasts would be nice. Jared said that he thinks we need to advertise on facebook that we need festival site proposals.  Lloyd suggested contacting affiliates about helping with IJA festival site proposals.

YEP Report (Ellen Winters)

Discussion: They are looking at a rebranding for the name for YEP.

Website Report (Scott Krause)

Discussion:  Scott Krause did not send a website report because he started a new job.  As well, Scott A’Hearne was unable to submit a website report.

Marketing (Kyle Johnson)

Discussion: Noel: expenses are a little more than kyle mentioned

Membership (Marilyn Sullivan)

Discussion: Martin is reading the spreadsheet, membership records 278 life members

Financial Report (Scott Krause)


2014 Festival Update (Cody Fiereck)

The planning for the IJA 2014 Festival is well underway.  I have my site visit scheduled for November 5th to the 7th.  During this time I will be reviewing all available space, meeting with the chamber of commerce (parade / fire show / busking), and meeting up with the local juggling club or other surrounding community groups.

The budget is expected to be ready for board approval on November 17th.  Nearly all organizer positions have been filled at this point.  Several potential performers and MCs have been contacted about the various shows as well.  Decisions on these selections will start to be made once the budget is complete and stipend requests have been received.

Discussion: Cody has been planning the site visit, budget will be ready on the 17th. January 1st for first day of registration.

5. Motions for Consideration

A. Motion to approve the Quebec proposal to host the 2015 IJA Festival, and move forward with developing a contract.

Motion: Kyle

Second: Lloyd

Discussion: Erin has spoken to Veronique, erin thinks the cost is a little high but there are options to balance costs out. Vendors traveling to Canada is a problem… Purdue is $10,000 and Quebec comes to over $40,000. We are not in debt. Noel thinks it will be successful.

Vote: Motion pass unanimously.

        Jared Davis was opposed to the motion, but he was unable to say something in time since the motion was open for voting for only a few seconds.

B. Motion to approve the following Officer Positions for 2013 – 2014:

Chief Teller: Marilyn Sullivan
eJuggle Director – Scott Seltzer
YEP Director: Ellen Winters
Video Tutorial Contest Director: Thom Wall
World Juggling Day Coordinator: Jeremiah Johnston

Motion: Kyle

Second: Nathan

Discussion: not included in past list

Vote: motion passes unanimously

C. Motion to do a Holiday Membership drive and reduce membership rates to $19.99 adults/$14.99 youth.

Motion: Kyle
Vote: motion unanimously tabled

6. Varia

7. Set November Meetings

10th and 24th November

8. Adjournment

Motion: Kyle
Discuss: Lloyd
Voting: passes unanimously!