- Call to Order
Chair Mike Moore called the meeting to order at: 9:04 PM EDT
Roll call: Afton Benson, Bill Barr, Eric Shibuya, Aslynne Howes, Chris Garcia, Scott Steiskal, Mike Moore, Matan Presberg
Absent: Amy Wieliczka
Recorder: Eric
- Discussions:
2020-2021 Board Member Initiatives and Projects (New Topics at the bottom.)
Festival Outreach (All):
Update: — Eric: For IJA raffle, let me know if you’ve reached out to any new vendors and put them in touch with me
Youth Juggling Academy (Galen)
Update: —
IRCs (Erin)
Update: —
eJuggle Report (Aslynne)
Update: —
OpsO Report (Scott)
Update: — Looking into Redbubble, a Teespring rival (offers wider variety of sizes and items to include a 25” duffle bag. Looking into the profit breakdown, etc,.
Future Planning (All)
Afton: (Added 5/10/21 at 11:20 am CDT) Contracts!
Okay talked to an attorney Vlad Messing https://vladmessinglaw.com/ He is offering to do 5 contracts for $3,000 Which is pretty solid from what I’ve heard from other people. This is his nonprofit/friend rate. (Contracts would be performer/emcee/advanced workshops, Festival Director/IRC Director, and Ejuggle “contract.” Remaining two would be gym waiver and bylaw review)
Mike: on reviewing our bylaws, actually have standing offer from last year’s Parliamentarian to do said review.
Afton: We should go with the Parliamentarian. Would love to have template contracts for future events/performers/etc, done by late fall
[Matan joins 9:09pm]
Afton: (Added 5/10/21 at 1:00 PM CDT)
What day works for the Annual General Meeting? Last year we did Thursday 7 PM EDT. However, Championships is at 8pm EDT that day. It may be best to do the meeting on Saturday July 17, at 1pm EDT. Thoughts?
3. Motions for Consideration
A: Motion to appoint Aslynne Howes as IJA Chair.
Author : Mike Moore
Motion : Eric
Second : Scott
Abstain: Aslynne
Result: Motion passes
- Motion to approve the 2021 World Juggling Day budget.
Author: Scott
Motion: Aslynne
Second: Chris
Discussion: Via Josie’s budget: Is the WordPress plugin necessary?
Mike: If Event Cal Pro isn’t necessary, would that money be spent elsewhere?
Afton: Budget is a draft, so if it’s not necessary it won’t be spent
Others: [general agreement]
Scott: Price in general is low
Results: Motion passes unanimously
Open Forum
Varying levels of master classes on certain topics (members-only topics)
Develop ongoing series of members-only master classes. 1. Preview (free to public), 2. IJA member (100% of videos for particular Master Class, ex: 3b Box/variations), 3. Interaction with instructor (akin to Patreon interaction). Last layer would be for IJA member + additional payment (with profit sharing between IJA and instructor)
Bill: Will need to have oversight for managing the entire masterclass program (translators, website issues, etc,)
Mike: Agree, need someone designated to do that. Also want to discuss timeline of “members-only exclusivity” having sunset clause, becoming public afterwards (video series, not instructor interaction). Might have to be discussed with each individual instructor.
Mike: “Master class” is not an open invitation, we are talking about the “best.” Real question is whether this will have traction, how many people would be willing to do a class, and how many would be willing to take it?
Added by Chris G on 5/11/21: IJA Virtual Hangouts Update
Added by Chris G on 5/11/21: IJA Collab Updates
Editor applications: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1oeFr9B9vOmGv3r1et9FZantav_uLv5MgMCarcuyatZU/edit#responses
Submissions: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1o6VqoBWwlKToTVbTATvkwtqWhkCDxkiGy2QH8AaZj30/edit#responses
Confirm May 18th at 9:00 pm Eastern for next board meeting.
Adjourn: 10:03 PM EDT