Object Episodes 15

Object Episodes
Object Episodes
Object Episodes 15
Object Episodes is the document of a 24 hour long discussion between Jay Gilligan and Erik Åberg about the past, present, and future of juggling. The recording session was done in three 8 hour parts and each episode brings a new chapter to the conversation. Season 3 includes topics about the essence of juggling, where ideas come from, what is good juggling, how to improvise with juggling, Anthony Gatto, juggling books, how to deal with drops, risk in juggling, the existential motivation to juggle, and what is the origin of the ball, club, and ring. Feedback and thoughts can be sent to objectepisodes@gmail.com along with reflections, suggestions, and responses.

See also Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10, Episode 11, Episode 12, Episode 13, Episode 14.


Imagine being alive when color photography was first presented, email was available to everyone, or when siteswap was first discovered!? Juggling today is the modern dance of 100 years ago. Juggling is exploding and history is being written this very moment. fourthshape.com 43tricks.com renegadesignlab.com WELCOME TO THE NEW BREED

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