Harm van der Laan is a Dutch circus artist. We talk about his experience in running the Tall Tales Company, using visual art in a juggling performance and the patterns he likes. Also we discuss his many inspirations, and get some new insights in juggling as it evolved through history… Oh and yes, this video was recorded before the corona …
Eric Longequel, juggling & diabolo – ep15 Juggle Jabber
Eric Longequel from France is a performer with compagie EaEo and Defracto. His original movement based juggling and funny diabolo character has gotten him to Cirque de Demain twice and 6 times into the jugglers top40! We talk about the influential people in Eric’s life and the difference between juggling and character on stage. Presented by eJuggle Support this channel …
Kati Ylä-Hokkala, Gandini Juggling – ep14 Juggle Jabber
Kati Yla Hokkala is the cofounder of Gandini Juggling, perhaps the world’s most successful juggling company. We talk about how she started out, her background in rhythmic gymnastics, creating shows, passing, and much more. Support this production by becoming a member of the IJA or join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ijajugglers Created by Daniel Simu – https://danielsimu.com You can find the podcast …
Sakari Männistö, aesthetic juggler – ep13 Juggle Jabber
Sakari Männistö about not planning, playing and discovering with technique! Created by Daniel Simu – https://danielsimu.com You can find the podcast audio at eJuggle or on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/il/podcast/juggle-jabber-daniel-simu-interviews-jugglers-about/id1209560737 Find Sakari online: https://www.sakarimannisto.fi/ https://www.instagram.com/mnnistol/ Like JJ on facebook to receive all updates: facebook.com/JuggleJabber Show notes: 0:38 Paper cup waste 1:40 Juggle doll video 4:58 Making tricks 7:43 Learning tricks the fun …
Tony Frebourg, Diabolo – ep12 Juggle Jabber
Tony Frebourg is a diabolo player from France, and he’s one of the best numbers jugglers with diabolo. He holds many world records such as the record for 5 high and 6 high, but be sure to watch this video to discover about his incredible ball, bouncing and even devilstick skill! Currently he is a full time performer with cirque …
Marianna de Sanctis, hoops and expression – ep11 Juggle Jabber
Marianna de Sanctis is the extremely loud and original hoop juggling clown from Italy. We talk about the emerge of hoop juggling, using emotions in training and on the stage, finding inspiration, and more! Created by Daniel Simu – danielsimu.com You can find the podcast audio also on iTunes Find Marianna online: www.mariannadesanctis.com facebook.com/Marianna.De.Sanctis instagram.com/mariannadesanctis Like JJ on facebook to …
Manuel Mitasch, Jonglissimo and LED props – ep10 Juggle Jabber
Manuel Mitasch is an amazing technical juggler and multiple world record holder passer. He is the cofounder of Jonglissimo where he performs and directs. Among other things we talk about coaching juggling, and the technical challenges of shows with light and multimedia props. Created by Daniel Simu – https://danielsimu.com You can find the podcast audio at here eJuggle or …
Davide Cattaneo, Play juggling props – Ep09 Juggle Jabber
Davide Cattaneo from Play Juggling is the manager and designer at the prop manifacturing company in Italy. We talk about ball and club design, creating tools for schools and professionals, and about happy accidents. Created by Daniel Simu – danielsimu.com You can find the podcast audio at eJuggle or on iTunes Find Play online: playjuggling.com facebook.com/playjuggling Like JJ on facebook …
Jay Gilligan, teacher and director – ep8 Juggle Jabber
Jay Gilligan is the amazing multifaceted juggler from the US, living in Sweden. We talk about his teaching experience in DOCH, the circus university, about directing, and about using your limited time to make the best juggling possible! Created by Daniel Simu You can find the podcast audio also at iTunes: Find Jay online: https://www.instagram.com/instantjuggler/ Like JJ on facebook to …
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