Jugglers often ask me what my favorite juggling trick from history is. While I don’t have a definitive answer to that question, I do have a handful of favorites. I’d like to share one of those with you today. It is a very difficult old-school trick where a performer juggles six plates or rings while spinning a ring on his ankle while jumping a rope spun by assistants. Let’s take a look at the jugglers who have done this amazing trick and some even more difficult versions.
Enrico Rastelli
Enrico Rastelli was the first juggler to demonstrate this trick, juggling 6 plates while spinning a hoop on his ankle and jumping a rope spun by his wife Henrietta and his assistant, Umberto Schichtolz. Fortunately, we have two films of this incredible feat, which you can see in the video below.
A number of other jugglers have done amazing variations on that trick. All have replaced the six plates with the slightly easier six rings, but have made other changes to increase the difficulty.
Italo Medini
Italo Medini, whom you can read about by clicking here, performed the six rings with one on his ankle with the jump rope, but instead of having the rope go over the top of the entire pattern, the rope went under the top four rings following each pair of throws. You can view this variation below.
Italo Medini
Edoardo Raspini
This same version, with the rope going under the top four rings, was also performed by Edoardo Raspini, whom you can read about by clicking here. You can view the trick below.
Edoard Raspini
Angelo Piccinelli
Another variation on this already incredible trick is the addition of a ball balanced on a head pedestal. This was first done by Angelo Piccinelli, whom you can see do it in the following video.
Angelo Piccinelli
Sergio Chiesa
Sergio Chiesa is pictured doing this version in the following photograph.
Sergio Chiesa
Alberto Sforzi
The most recent juggler to perform any version of the trick was Alberto Sforzi, who also did the trick with the ball on a head pedestal. You can see two clips of him doing it in the video below.
Boris Jewgrafow
Russian juggler Boris Jewgrafow also apparently performed a version of the trick, but I have been unable to find any photos or videos of this.
If you know if any other jugglers who have done a version of this trick, please let me know.
6 リングと大なわの合わせ技
筆者は時折「歴史上のジャグリングトリックで一番好きなものは何か」と聞かれる。特に 1 つだけを挙げることはできないのだが、お気に入りはいくつかある。そのうちの 1 つを今回の記事では紹介する。オールドスクールの、大変難しいトリックである。それは、片足でリングを回しつつ、 6 枚のプレート、またはリングをジャグリングしつつ、その状態でアシスタントの回している大なわを飛ぶというものだ。では、実際にその技を行っている様子と、さらに難しいバージョンをご覧にいれよう。
エンリコ・ラステッリ(Enrico Rastelli)
エンリコ・ラステッリは、このトリックを最初に披露した人物。6 枚のプレートをジャグリングしつつ、フープを 1 本くるぶしで回し、妻であるヘンリエッタ(Henrietta)とアシスタントのウンベルト・シフトルツ(Umberto Schichtolz)が回す大なわを飛ぶのである。幸運にも、この技については 2 本の映像がある。
イタロ・メディーニ(Italo Medini)
こちらの記事(英語)でも紹介しているイタロ・メディーニは、同じようにくるぶしでリングを回しつつ、手でも 6 リングをジャグリングし、大なわを飛んでいるが、なわが 6 リングの上を飛ぶのではなくて、空中にある 4 つのリングの下を回る形で大なわが回っている。
エドアルド・ラスピニ(Edoardo Raspini)
アンジェロ・ピッチネッリ(Angelo Piccinelli)
セルジオ・キエーザ(Sergio Chiesa)
アルベルト・スフォルツィ(Alberto Sforzi)
ボリス・ユグラフォフ(Boris Jewgrafow)
和訳: 青木 直哉(AOKI Naoya)