Video Tutorial Contest
The Video Tutorial Contest is an online educational throwdown open to jugglers, object manipulators, flow artists and physical performers across all disciplines. A panel of expert judges evaluates all entries and scores them according to their educational, production and entertainment values. The top ten videos are awarded prize packages, donated by vendors from all over the juggling community. Some additional categories are added from year to year to mix things up!
The 2016 contest is over. Check back here later to find out about the next contest.
Below are links to the contest’s tutorials over the years. Go learn something new!
2014 – IJA Video Tutorial Contest 2014
2013 – IJA Video Tutorial Contest 2013
2012 – IJA Video Tutorial Contest 2012
2011 – IJA Video Tutorial Contest 2011
2010 – IJA Video Tutorial Contest 2010
lucas abduch – lego with clubs (2014)
Andrew Olson – The Triangle Wave (2010)
mike & emily – passing siteswaps (2013)
taylor glenn – five ball mills mess (2010)
This contest was established by Thom Wall in 2009 as a way for the IJA to render assistance to even more jugglers across the planet. We’re excited to have the opportunity to serve the juggling community through quality, crowd-sourced educational materials.
Since its inception, we’ve had hundreds of entries – over 24 hours of instructional material – submitted to the contest. Check out past entries to the contest on the IJA’s YouTube channel. If you’re looking for inspiration, you can see a few of entries from the past, below.
Hacer clic aqui para informacion en español
– Make a video tutorial of a trick, upload it, submit it, and be entered to win thousands of dollars in prizes.
– You do NOT need to be an IJA member to participate in this event.
– Ten winners will be selected by the judges.
– All videos must mention the “IJA Video Tutorial Contest” in text, audio, or video. If using text or video, this must be on screen for a minimum of three (3) seconds. YouTube annotations are not sufficient to meet this requirement.
– All areas of object manipulation are permitted.
– The IJA reserves the right to disqualify videos that do not meet official rule criteria.
– You may not use copyrighted music in your video.
– You may submit as many videos as you like. Creating one good video, however, would give you better odds of winning than creating three mediocre videos.
– Videos must be submitted by the 11:59pm, Pacific Standard Time on the last day of the submission month.
Prize Sponsors
resumen de las reglas
– Cualquiera puede concursar (miembro o no de la IJA)
– Puedes subir tantos videos como quieras. Si quieres ganar, hacer un solo video de gran calidad te dará más oportunidad que hacer varios a medias.
– Cualquier material, cualquier disciplina puede ser aceptada (algo como aprende a caminar de diferentes maneras en el escenario es aceptado, como apilar dados) Nada peligroso (nada como aprende a hacer slapbacks con cuchillos, de hecho lo mandaron el año pasado, en serio.)
-No hay límite de entradas. Si pueden enseñar un truco en 20 segundos está bien. Si les toma veinte minutos también está bien. Por favor sean concisos y no malgasten nuestra tiempo!
– Los videos serán subidos en cualquier idioma (los subtítulos son un extra, o videos que no requieran palabras para nada sería genial!)
– Los videos deberán ser subido a Youtube.
– Los diez mejores, son elegidos por jueces y ganan grandes premios.
– No está permitida la música con derechos de autor.
– Todos los videos debes incluir una referencia al Concurso de Tutoriales de la IJA. Puede ser audio, texto, video, etc. Los concursantes tienen permitido usar el logo de la IJA, el cual puede ser descargado en alta resolución desde el sitio web. Si se usa el logo, hay que estar en la pantalla para 3 segundos a lo minimo.
Las Reglas completas
If you have questions about the program, please contact Thom Wall –